Monday 27 July 2015

GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE invites applications for post of Registrars

Applications on the prescribed form are invited from the in-service / Non-PSC doctor who are permanent resident of J&K State for tenure post of Registrars in the following disciplines for a tenure period of three years.

Anaesthesia & its allied branches

Candidates interested in applying for Registrar/Demonstrator at GMC, Jammu should take the application forms from the Administrative Section of the Principal, GMC, Jammu after production of bank draft worth Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) from J&K Bank, payable in favour of Principal, GMC, Jammu.

Sale of application forms from:- 22-7-2015 to 29-7-2015
Last date of receipt of forms: 12-08-2015

Recognized MD/MS Degree/ Diploma in the concerned discipline, candidates with higher qualification in the concerned subject will be preferred.

a. For In-Service candidates:-
1. The In-service doctor shall carry the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus grade pay as admissible under rules.
2. The in-service doctor shall be allowed to participate in the Selection, process only with the prior permission of the Administrative Department. For the purpose, they should route their application forms through Administrative Department. No advance copy shall be entertained.

b. For Non-PSC candidates:-
1. The Non-PSC doctors shall be appointed on academic arrangement basis and shall be paid a consolidated pay equal to the revised basic pay which corresponds to the minimum of the pre-revised scale for the post of Assistant Surgeon in Health Department as per SRO 93 dated 15-04-2009 plus DA and HRA as applicable to in-service doctors and no other monetary benefit whatsoever.
2. Maximum age for eligibility to apply shall be 50 years as on 01-01-2015.

c. General conditions of eligiblity for all candidates:-
1. Those doctors who were earlier appointed as Registrar/Demonstrator but had left service before completing their tenure need not apply.
2. Those doctors who have already completed their tenureship as Registrar/Demonstrator in any discipline need not to apply and their application forms shall not be considered. However, this restriction shall not be applicable in respect of such doctors who have done their tenureship in the discipline prior to the passing of their post-graduation.

d. The application forms should be accompanied with attested copies of the following documents/ testimonial:-
1. MBBS degree and internship completion certificate.
2. Physical active field service certificate after PG/Rural service prior to PG certificate issued by the
Director Health Services, Jammu/Srinagar in respect of in-service doctors.
3. Attempt certificate, Ist, 2nd, pre-final and Final MBBS examination issued by the concerned University.
4. Distinction/National Scholarship/ Honours/ Medals/ Academic Merit Certficates.

5. House job experience certificate issued by the Principal concerned or equivalent recognized authority.

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