Saturday 24 October 2015

Recruitment to Class-IV posts in Ranbir Government Press-Divisional Cadre, Jammu

Applications on prescribed format (Annexure-"A') are invited from the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir State - Jammu Division, which can which can also and be downloaded from the official website - , for recruitment to the Class-IV posts in Ranbir Government Press, Jammu in accordance with the Recruitment Policy issued vide SRO-202 of 2015 dated 30-06-2015, 

The Category wise break-up of the posts is as under:

1. Name of the Post : Orderly/Jamadar
No. of Posts : 49 (Open Merit- 27, RBA - 10, SC- 4, ST -5, Social Caste - 01, ALC -2)

2. Name of the Post  Chowkidar/Gate Keepern :
No. of Posts : 01 (Open Merit- 01)

The number of posts as mentioned above, may increase or decrease depending upon the number of vacancies available at the time of final selection which shall be notified separately along with category-wise break-up

In Terms of SRO-202 dated 30-06-2015:
i) The candidates applying for all the posts shall have to submit separate forms for each post 
ii) Appointment would be on regular basis from the date of appointment.
iii) The pay band of the above mentioned posts shall be Rs 4440-7440 with GP of Rs 1300/-. A person appointed under these rules shall be initially on probation for a period of five (05) years and after completion of five years his service shall be declared as permanent in terms of SRO-202 of 2015 dated 30-06-2015 
iv) During the period of first five years, the appointee shall be entitled to the minimum of scale of pay along with the grade pay applicable to the post against which he is appointed 
v) Every appointee shall after completion of live years period on probation is entitled to fixation of pay in the time scale of pay applicable to the post against which he is appointed The persons appointed under these rules shall be entitled to Annual Increments, Dearness Allowance. House Rent Allowance and City Compensation Allowance after successful completion of their five years service on consolidated salary 
vi) These appointees shall be entitled to the benefits under the Medical Attendance Rules and Leave Rules from the date of their appointment 
vii) The seniority of persons appointed under these rules shall reckon from the date of their appointment 
viii) The period spent on probation/consolidated salary shall also reckon for purposes of calculating the qualifying service of these appointees for pension and other benefits provided under rules 
ix) Other conditions of service like Age. Qualification, Discipline. Conduct and other allied matters, a person appointed under these rules shall be governed by the recruitment rules of the service to which the post occupied by him belongs, besides other rules, regulations and orders in vogue in the State Civil Services in general 

Age Limit : 
(i) Not below 18 years and; 
(ii) Not above 
(a) 40 years in case of Open Merit 
(b) 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/OSC/ALC candidates 

V. The candidates must possess the minimum basic qualification as Matric and maximum as 10+2 from any Recognized Board/University However, no additional weight age shall be given to any candidate for higher qualification in terms of SRO-99 of 2008 Dated 07-04-2008
VI. Application forms duly completed along with attested copies of the following documents be deposited in person or by Registered Post in the Office of the undersigned up to 10-11-2015 between 11.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m on working days only. No application form shall be accepted after the expiry of the due date 
a) Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation Certificate) 
b) Academic Qualification Certificate  
c) Marks Certificate of each examination 
d) Permanent Resident Certificate passed (Matric/10+2) 
e) Category Certificate 
f) Recent Photographs duly attested by Gazetted Officer 

VII. All the documents attached with the application form shall be signed by the applicant 
VIII. Application forms found deficient in any manner or tn respect of any Document mentioned in the notification shall be rejected at the time of scrutiny. 
IX. Application forms received after the due date shall not be entertained 
X. Candidates should submit Treasury Receipt worth Rs.50/- under Major Head-0058 Sty & Ptg -200 Other Receipts with the Application Form 
XI. Candidates found guilty of impersonation or submitting false, fabricated and/or tempered documents or suppressing material information shall lead to rejection of his/her candidature at any stage besides, rendering him/herself liable for criminal prosecution 
XII. Candidates will have to appear before the selection committee for interview at the venue to be intimated later on at their own expenses 
XIII. Call letters shall not be issued individually; however, the department shall give wide publicity through print and electronic media, official website ( of the department about the date of interview for the information of eligible candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates for interview shall be entertained 
XIV. The candidates should be in possession of all certificates/documents in original at the time of interview 
XV. In case of receipt of large number of applications the candidates shall be short listed on the basis of merit of candidates in the prescribed qualification 
XVI. The candidate should paste his/her recent passport size photograph on the form duly attested by a Gazetted Officer 
XVII. Any attempt made by the candidate to influence the selection committee will result in his/her disqualification from the Recruitment Process. 
XVIII. The selection of the candidates shall be made as per rules/guidelines issued by the competent authority from time to time.
For detailed advertisement, click here 

Recruitment to Class-IV posts in Ranbir Government Press-Divisional Cadre, Jammu

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