Friday 27 November 2015

JKSSB Exam schedule for 5th and 6th December, 2015

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JKSSB has released the list of various exams that will be conducted on 5th of December, 2015. The list is long and includes exams pending from 2011 to latest notifications of  05 and 06 of 2015. We have listed some of the posts for exams on 5th and 6th of Dec, 2015. The complete details can be found at official notification from JKSSB the link for which is provided below. So, it is important that you check the exam schedule from the notification. 

JKSSB Exam schedule for 5th and 6th December, 2015

To directly download notification click here

Candidates can download the Admit card for these exams from w.e.f 28th of November 2015 from 01.00 P.M onwards 

Tuesday 24 November 2015

List of Exams to be conducted by JKSSB in December, 2015

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JKSSB has released the examination schedule for the various posts which is going to be conducted in the month of December, 2015. The schedule has been provided in two different notifications the links for which are provided below:

JKSSB December 2015 Exam schedule

JKSSB is going to conduct the following Exams in the month of December, 2015:
  1. Speech Therapist/ Path/ Audio Technician
  2. Jr. Occupational Therapist
  3. Technical Assistant
  4. Vocational Instructor jewlery & Precious
  5. Vocational Instructor Dairy Technology
  6. Vocational Instructor Computer Aided Embroidery/Needle Work
  7. Vocational Instructor Health& Sanitary Inspector
  8. Vocational Instructor Domestic House Keeping
  9. Vocational Instructor Health & Sanitary Inspector
  10. Vocational Instructor Fashion technology
  11. Vocational Instructor Interior Decorator & Designing
  12. Form Clerk

Monday 9 November 2015

Downloading of admit cards for objective test for various posts on 19th Nov, 2015

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It is notified for information of the all the concerned that the Written Test (Objective Type) for the below mentioned posts borne on, State/Divisional /District Cadres, shall be conducted on 15th of November 2015. It is further informed, that the examination venue will be indicated on the Admit Cards, which may be down-loaded from the official website of the Board i.e w.e.f 10th of November 2015 from 01.00 P.M onwards. 

Downloading of admit cards for objective test for various posts on 19th Nov, 2015


