Saturday 26 September 2020

Jobs in district Health Soociety under NHM, Samba

In compliance to Mission Director. NHM J & K letter No SHS/NHM/J&K/DNO-J/8271-8375 dated - 19 08.2020. and as approved by Chairman District Health Society (District Development Commissioner). Samba, applications are invited on prescribed performa from eligible candidates of District Samba (Medical Jurisdiction) on behalf of District Health Society Samba for hiring of staff on contractual basis for below mentioned posts under NHM to strengthen the health care delivery system in the district and to further improve accessibility to quality health services to combat with the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. The application should be addressed to Chief Medical Officer Samba (Vice- Chairman District Health Society). The contract of the post shall be up to existing financial year which shall be renewed/extended further after assessing the performance of the enrolled applicants/candidates. The other terms and conditions regarding selection shall be as per NHM rules. The category wise detail of vacancies is as under:

Jobs in district Health Soociety under NHM, Samba

Last date of application: 10th October, 2020 

Vacancy Details:



No. of posts

Minimum Qualification

Place of vacancy

Selection Criteria


Junior Staff Nurse


B.Sc. Nursing from Govt, recognized institute or Matric with diploma in Jr. Staff Nursing training from SMF or any other recognized institute

Age limit:- 45 years

Block Samba
PHC Sumb = 02 District Hospital Samba
DH Samba=01 DH Samba(SNCU)=03 DH Samba (Dialysis unit )= 04
Block Ramgarh

CHC Ramgarh-02

i) Screening test=60 Points
ii) Matric - 10 Points
iii) BSc Nursing/Diploma in GNM Training from SMF or any other recognized institute = 15 Points

iv) Viva Voce - 15 Points Note:- Item (i) to (iii) on prorata basis




Matric with diploma in FMPHW training course from SMF or any other recognized Institute.

Age:- Upto 45 Years


CHC Ghagwal =02 CHC Ramgarh =01

i) Diploma in FMPHW training course from SMF or other recognized Institute - 80 points.
ii) Viva Voce - 20 Points Note:- Item (i) on prorate basis.
In case of Screening test
i) Screening Test - 60 Points
ii) Matric = 10 Points
iii) Diploma in FMPHW training course from SMF or other recognized Institute = 15 Points
iv) Viva Voce- 15 Points Total- 100 points

Note: - item (i) to (iii) on prorata basis


X-ray Technician


Matric with Diploma in X-ray Asstt training Course from SMF or any other recognized Institute

Age:- Upto 45 Years

Block Ramgarh

CHC Vijaypur - 1

(i) Diploma in X-Ray Assistant training course from SMF or other recognized Institute = 80
(ii) Viva Voce - 20 Points Note - Item (i) on prorate basis.
In case of Screening test (i)Screening Test = 60 Points.
(ii)Matric =10 Points
iii) Diploma in X-ray Assistant training from SMF or other recognized Institute = 15 Points
iv) Viva voce-15 points Total-100 points

Note: Item (i) to (in) on prorata basis


Audiologist/ Speech Therapist


4 years graduation in Audiology & speech language pathology

Age:- Upto 45 Years

DEIC Samba

i) Degree in Audiology & speech language pathology = 80 Points
ii) Viva-voce - 20 Points Note - Item (i) on prorata basis In case of Screening test
(i) Degree in Audiology & speech language pathology = 40 Points
(ii) Screening test -60 points

(iii) Viva Voce- 20 points Note: Item (i) to (ii) on prorata basis




Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy (BPT)
Desirable - At least two years Experience of working in a Hospital

Age - Upto 45 Years

District Hospital Samba   
(DEIC Samba)
i) Graduation from recognized University = 80 points.
(ii) Viva Voce = 20 Points Note:- Item (i) on prorate basis In case of Screening test
i) Graduation - 40 Points
ii) Screening test - 40 Points
iii) Viva Voce - 20 Points Note - Item (i) to (ii) on prorate basis


Interventionist cum special Educator


MBBS/BAMS/BUMS/ BHMS/ BPT/ BOT/ Speech Language Pathologist with MSc. in Disability studies (Early Intervention) or PG Diploma in Early Intervention.

Age:- Upto 45 Years

District Hospital Samba

(DEIC Samba)

i) Masters in Disability Studies(Early intervention) with MBBS/ BAMS/ BUMS/ BHMS/ BPT/ BOT/ Speech Language Pathologist = 80 Points
ii) PG Diploma in Early intervention with degree in MBBS/ BAMS/ BUMS/ BHMS/ BPT/ BOT/ Speech Language Pathologist -80 Points
iii) Viva-voce - 20 Points Note:- Item (i) & (ii) on pro-rata basis
In case of Screening test
i) Screening Test-60 points ii)Graduation -30 points iii)PG Degree/Diploma - 10 points
iv) Viva Voce -20 points

Total 100 points


Dialysis Technician


MSc./BSc Medical
MSc /BSc. Renal Dialysis
10+2 with Science and Diploma in Dialysis from recognized Institute.

Dialysis.Unit District Hospital Samba -02

i) M.Sc /B.Sc. Medical Technology
MSc./BSc. Renal Dialysis Technology
10*2 in Science with Diploma in Dialysis
=80 Points
ii) Viva Voce - 20 Points Note - Item (i) on prorata basis In case of Screening test
i) Screening Test = 40 Points
ii) MSc /BSc Medical Technology or
MSc/BSc Renal Dialysis
10+2 in Science with Diploma in Dialysis = 60 Points
iii) Viva Voce- 20 Points
Note. - Item (i) to (ii) on proratabasis


Total Posts






1. Must be resident of District Samba (Medical Jurisdiction). UT of J&K.
2. Contract will be offered by the District Health Society. Samba and selected local candidates shall have to serve the institution where posted.
3. The selected candidates shall be paid monthly honorarium under National Health Mission, as communicated by State Health Society J&K and contractual hiring shall not be entitled to any other allowances or monetary benefits whatsoever.
4. The candidate selected against any post shall not be entitled/claim for his/her transfer/attachment.
5. Non performing candidate shall be liable for termination without issuance of any advance notice
6. The initial contract will be for a period up to 31-03-2021. extendable subject to performance review of the selected candidates, budgetary provisions in the next financial year and continuation of Scheme. The District Health Society has right to terminate the hiring without any reason
7. In case of female married candidates for the above said posts, the residential proof will be considered from In-Law- side.
8. The Contractual appointee shall have to enter into an agreement with the District Health Society ,Samba 
9. The Contractual appointee shall not be entitled to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection,
10 No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates coming for interview.
11. Only recognized degrees and diplomas shall be considered for eligibility Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without aforesaid documents shall be rejected out rightly. The candidature of the appointed candidates shall be cancelled without any notice, in case it is found at any stage that he or she has concealed any fact or submitted fraudulent certificates or misrepresented the facts to avail the candidature.
12. Applications can be rejected by the Recruitment Committee if found not falling in the required criteria.
13. Candidates who are already working under NHM need to apply after resignation from primary posts or apply through proper channel.
14. It is clarified that the candidates shall be allowed to appear in the interview subject to Verification of Documents and fulfilling of eligibility criteria as prescribed in the detailed advertisement. In case any deficiency/forgery in Genuineness in his/her documents found at any stage during verification of documents or known from any reliable source, his/her candidature/selection for engagement shall be disqualified / terminated
15. The expression "District Level" wherever used in this advertisement notification would mean "Medical Jurisdiction" and not the "C.D Block/District" certified by concerned Block Medical Officers. Applications can be rejected by the screening committee if found not falling as per the required criteria. Contract will be offered by District Health Society. Samba and not by the J&K Government.
16. Number of posts may Increase or decrease subject to the availability of posts or sanctioning of posts from competent authority for the next financial year/current financial year.
17. All the applicants shall get latest status of Residence proof from concerned Tehsildars with the application form.
18. The hiring shall be governed by the other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by the contracting authority.

Local Criteria for selection:- The preference for selection to the posts mentioned in the above advertisement under National Health Mission shall be given to the candidates from the same village subject to their availability and merit. If a candidate is not available within the village, the candidates available within the Medical Block shall be given preference. If the candidates are not available within the Medical block, the candidates from the district shall be considered. As regards the posts of District Hospital Samba and DEIC Samba and Dialysis unit. the candidates from within the district shall be considered. 

How to apply:

Interested candidates should apply by sending their applications on the prescribed format given below. The duly filled in application form along with two recent Passport size Photograph (attested).should reach in the Office of the Vice-Chairman District Health Society (Chief Medical Officer) Samba by or before 10.10.2020 4:30PM. The advertisement and application are also available on official website of District Samba(

14. The lists of documents (self attested) to be attached with the Application Form are mentioned below

a) Domicile Certificate.
b) Diploma of Matriculation
c) Mark sheets of Academic qualification.
d) Mark sheets of professional/ Technical qualification
e) Degree/Diploma as applicable.
f) Experience Certificate, if any shall be enclosed from an organization of repute with date and sign of issuing authority along with seal.
g) Marriage certificate from married female candidates duly issued by Tehsil (Registrar of Marriages) concerned.
h) Unmarried certificate from unmarried female candidates duly issued from Tehsildar concerned.
i) Two passport size photographs.
j) Self Addressed Envelope with postal stamp of ₹5.

Application form:


Download notification for Jobs in district Health Soociety under NHM, Samba

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